One Christmas down 2 to go. So my dad came to visit yesterday, and it was a really good time. They got here around 11, Aiden opened presents WHICH HE LOVES! Then I made dinner, ham, pineapple, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, corn, cranberry sauce.... you know all the holiday fixens!!! Then we spent the afternoon wedding planning and then they headed back to Dub City. Now I have a week to recover until Aunt Carla, Uncle David, Grandma and Grandpa come for round two!! They will all be here on Saturday for "Christmas Eve" and then another Holiday feast on Sunday! Then Santa officially comes on real Christma Eve and David and I will have our first Christmas with the little man! We went shopping Friday night and lets just say I wanted to kill myself. I can't imagine the people that wait until Christmas Eve to go. People are rude, inconsiderate and over all a pain in the ass. 'Tis the season, and I couldn't love it more! Todays festivities include: printing out pictures with Santa and the family photo to send out in Christmas cards...Who will be lucky enough to get one? Maybe, I'll send one to all of my favorite people. I guess you'll just have to wait and see if you've made the list! Then to the movies to see James Bond with some people who have made me change my plans...Those of you that know me know that drives me crazy! Then maybe some grocery shopping because we have been going day by day rather than just filling up the cupboards. Then if time permits there will be the required Sunday football game!
GO COWBOYS. Which brings me to my most important point of the day. Those of you that hate the Cowboys shut up! I like them, their players, their winninig or losing, and all of the T.O. drams that comes with it. So instead of hating on my time, just support your own and shut up!! I mean that in a holly jolly way.
How about some new pics. I know they're appreciated so here you go:

All bundled up for the snow....Oh wait, it doesn't do that in Philadelphia! Well if it does, we'll be ready!!

Aidens first Christmas tree!! He was super excited!

And finally after being told NO for the past week he was finally allowed to open his first present.