You should make like salt in water and DISAPPEAR
17 September 2008
12 September 2008
Of Course I will
So I'm laying on the floor just like any afternoon playing with Aiden, and David comes over goes down to one knee and says "Will you marry me?" and I looked at him and said "OF COURSE!" and the planning has begun. It wasn't a super surprise because we went a couple of weeks ago to look at rings and ended buying the one posted below and his wedding band. He bought me a ring about 9 months ago and said I'll buy you this one and it will be your engagement ring so that is the one I wear now and the one below will be my wedding band! So excited! We've picked a most likey date for next September! The 9th and 12th to be exact. The 9th because it will be 09-09-09 So hopefully that will bring us some luck! And the 12th because the 9th is a Wednesday so we'll do a ceremony and reception on that Saturday which will be the 12th WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! More details as they come....
Posted by Cassy at 5:22 PM 0 comments
09 September 2008
Today's Surprises
I'm sitting here at work and bored crazy! It's a wonderful rainy day which I love because that means my lazy butt can just sit here and goolge everything I can possibly think of and then sit here and fill you all in on the crazy events in my life. Where oh where to start:
I am currently doing all of my research to join the Air Force. I know many people think I am crazy, but I do have several legitimate reasons.
1. They will pay up to $10,000 of my student loans I already have out.
2. It will allow me to finish school as well as go on for masters for free.
3. I will be able to do the job I want to do in the civilian world and get paid a lot more to do the same job for them, as long as I qualify for that job.
4. I will have a job that I can be extremely proud of.
5. I will work with people that actually want to be there and are willing to work just as hard as I am.
6. I will have the opportunity to travel places I would never be able to travel to otherwise.
7. I will have a career that I can retire from in 20 years.
8. My son and family can be proud of what I'm doing and not say I'm working at a dead end job for the rest of my life.
9. Because of the physical aspect I will be in much better shape as well as healthier which is beneficial because my family members have passed on at a young age and I would be making myself a lot healthier.
10. My children would get to see a lot of things they wouldn't otherwise and they would get to meet a lot of people they normally wouldn't get to.
So there are my top 10 reasons in no order on why I want to join the Air Force. The 3 reasons it could be a bad idea:
1. My baby boy. I'd have to leave him for at least 3 months and probably longer
2. David (Even though he is very supportive I wouldn't get to talk to him for awhile and that sucks!)
3. The wonderful war in Iraq.
So there's my pro and con list. After I loose about 15 more lbs we'll talk more. Maybe I should cut my hair that'd be like an instant 5lbs right there.
In other news, little man is standing when he can find something for support, and it helps me when loading the dishwasherIts way too cute until he loses his balance and falls over, but its still fun to see him growing and going through all of the stages! Everyone says they grow to fast, but I feel we're going at a pretty good pace. He can full speed crawl which means he can get his own toys now and the ones that he wants which means I don't have to play the guessing game of handing him 20 different toys before figuring out which one he'll be happy with for 45 seconds until we move on to another one. This way he can occupy himself for about a half hour, and when he wants me he crawls on over and puts his little lip out and pouts and puts his arms up so I'll pick him up!
Two Fridays ago we spent about 3 hours in the ER. He went to sleep around 8:30 and everything was fine. He woke up around 10 and was just starring at me in a days with super red cheeks so when I went to him he felt extremely hot so I took his temp and it was 102.2 so David called his mom and she said to either take him or wait it out a couple of hrs and see if it broke so we got him all packed up which took about 20 minutes then I took his temp again and it had gone up to 102.9. So we drove through the ghetto to get him to the hospital and a nurse in triog, 2 nurses a med student and
a doctor poked at him for about an hour and a half until they decided it was most likely a viral infection and that we needed to stick around until the fever broke which at this point was upto 104. So after the correct dosage of Tylenol and sitting in the hospital for 3 hrs we got to go home where he broke out in a rash that started at his neck and then covered his entire body. So we did all kinds of research and now believe it was an allergic reaction. And I'm being blamed for it because earlier that day I put his hair up in a Mohawk. How was I to know? I do it to kids 10 times a day.
Posted by Cassy at 12:18 PM 0 comments