For those that don't know yet! We're expecting #2. This is peanut at 9 weeks. We're excited and nervous! We find out next month if it's a boy or girl, but of course the only thing that matter's is if he/she is healthy!! The doctor asked me last week if we wanted a boy or a girl. My answer: we want breathing and kicking!

Since Aiden's birthday he keeps saying "Happy Birthday!" I kept telling him that Mommy's Happy Birthday is next, and he kept ask "And Aiden's Happy Birthday?" I tolld him he would be here too, so yes he would have Happy Birthday too.
Yesterday I took him to meet Pap Pap so he could visit at Grandma's house for the weekend. Aiden said "Wait for Happy Birthday!" So my birthday is on hold until Monday, or at least Aiden thinks so.
Every year people make New Year's resolutions and give up things for lent. I instead USUALLY give up something around the begining of ive up something around the beginning of February through my birthday. This year life has been crazy and I didn't even think about so my Birthday resolution this year is to blog more. At least once a week that way if there's anyone out there reading they'll have something to read. Not to mention one day when I'm 90 I'll have something to laugh at with my great great grand children.