03 June 2012

The Hunger Games

A little back story for everyong: I never have time to read. With work, kids, school and being a wife by the time I sit down to relax and enjoy a book I usually fall asleep before finishing the first paragraph. Lucky for me my commander and first sgt decided on Friday that I was too fat to be in my promotion ceremony leaving me with the thought: They'll never sign off on my commissioning package so there's no reason to waste all the time and effort putting it together. This has freed up a lot of my time and in the past 4 days I've been able to finish the book The Hunger Games and am starting book 2 today. Although I was upset about the recent events it's been nice being relieved of the stressors of the application. It also helped me decide that I'm going to attempt to crosstrain into contracting. Not only was this an area I wanted to come into at the beginning of my career, but there's a lot of money to be made and I really can't pass the up in our current situation. There's a very nice re-enlistment bonus as well as a pretty high starting salary in the civilian sector. So today I'm trying to figure out the steps and the process and timeline so I can hopefully put in for it, pray that I'm accepted and then get a class date after the holidays so we can head off to a new base after February.

30 May 2012

IPhone Taken, Computer Crashed, Car Wrecked.....

   I was doing extremely well keeping up with posting every once in awhile. This was in huge part to my new IPhone. As you can tell from the lack of posting, my phone is gone for the time being. I can't give any more info than that, but once I can ... the beans will spill!!
   So after the IPhone was taken I decided I could still get on my computer and blog when the boys were sleeping. Well... our computer received the blue screen of death and now I can't get past a screen that says... blah blah if you have new software installed... contact computer person... blah blah blah. I was pretty unhappy not only because I can't blog, but also because I am going to school online. I do a lot of my school work at work, but I can't rely on that because last semester I was taking a psychology class that required us to listen to several podcasts a week. My work computer is blocked from those podcasts, so... as for now, no more school for me.
  To make life even better two weeks ago I was driving home after picking up the boys and someone pulled out of a gas station and into my car! They've claimed liability so yesterday they towed my car to a lot so they can appraise it and see if it's totaled or if we're going to get it fixed. We're under the impression that it's not going to be salvageable. We've been talking about a car, but can really afford it right now, so we might be stuck with one ride for awhile.
  On a good note, I'm applying for a commissioning program. The process is long, but self explanatory and will definitely be worth it IF I get in. I'm running into the issue of transcripts costing a TON of money!!!! It doesn't help that I need 4 copies from 4 different schools. One wants $20 for one!! I told them I thought 20 bucks for a piece of paper and an envelope was absurd and I haven't heard back from them... SO we'll see!! If that doesn't work out I'm going to cross train and am thinking about going into contracting... 6 figures in the civilian sector!!! AND it's a job that I looked at when first coming into the military so it's not all about the money.
  I've started a new diet... HCG.. there's a lot of sceptics, but if I can lose a large amount of weight quickly I'll be able to be more active and keep the weight off. I've lost 4 pounds in 3 days, so I'm not about to stop because people think it's crazy to not eat starches or sugars for a few weeks!
  I still haven't found time to get out the sewing machine, and now that I'm on this diet cooking has become a little more grill and salad oriented so things there are pretty boring!

25 March 2012

27 is coming to a close

I may have wrote about this before, but hey it happens. Today is my last day of being 27 years old. Many things have happened in those 27 years, both good and bad, but I've decided to start out my 28th year on the right foot. I'm ordering HCG drops which are pretty much a diet supplement. I haven't been putting forth as much effort as I could into losing weight, but I really need to. Not so much for the sake of the scale so much as my health. I'm uncomfortably overweight right now and things that were easy for me are just too difficult right now because of my weight. That's what inspired my 100 day challenge post. I was on the right track for about 30 minutes as usual when either the smell of something great hit me or I got so involved with work I forgot to get up and go work out. To make this a little easier yesterday when the boys and I went grocery shopping I bought fruit and veggies to snack on and when I planned out my menu for the week I added healthier choices than I normally would and for one night I put broccoli and cheese caserole because it's to die for and if I give up everything I like/crave I'll never get where I want to be.
On a side note I usually give something up for lent (usually junk food). This year I gave up being lazy. I've been doing pretty good overall, but I feel like I'm missing out on some quality time with my kids because I'm always cleaning or doing something so I don't feel like I'm just sitting around. Well, since my birthday and Easter are so close I've decided to continue with my "not being lazy" venture, but tomorrow I am going to start doing things that will make me feel better. I like to be busy and active, but ever since Noah came I haven't wanted to do anything. Mainly because 7 months later I'm still 45 pounds overweight. So right now I'm going to finish my Mt Dew and snack on some chips and dip because tomorrow is a new day, a new year and a new me.

24 March 2012

Wordless Wednesday

22 March 2012

100 Day Challenge

The other night while I was "blog stalking" a came across a person that is doing a 100 day challenge. The first one was 100 days with no soft drinks. The latest was no junk food. I think this is terrific idea and have decided on a 100 days 40 pounds challenge. Now I am a realist and know that I will probably not lose 40 pounds, but I think it's a good goal and a good motivator. In all honesty I'm not really worried about losing weight so much as being healthier. My biological parents and grandparents have all died very young, due mainly to heart conditions. Although I can not change genetics I can use what I have to my benefit and get myself in gear and take care of my body and mind. If not for myself, but for my children. To start my challenge I am participating in "the dirty 30" crossfit at 1430.... Fingers crossed I don't die.

20 March 2012

Sewing Machine

I have the best neighbor ever. My husband has been painting her house on the weekends for the past few months. Last weekend he had mentioned that I want a sewing machine for my birthday, but we really don't have any where to put it and he wasn't sure if I'd actually have time to use it. So, as a test run, she's letting me borrow hers because she never uses it, and I'll have a chance to do some relaly fun projects I've seen out here in the bloggosphere. I'm trying to adjust my work schedule so that I'll actually have a lunch break during the day and I can come home and sew for an hour or so! It would be so enjoyable to have that hour to do something I enjoy and time for myself. First I need to make it to the store to get some material. Once I get going I'll post some projects!

16 March 2012

Strep Throat has Struck

Monday night when I was laying down for bed I had a slight sore throat. I wasn't too concerned because I had fallen asleep on the couch and a lot of times I'll sleep with my mouth open and the air from the fan will cause a sore throat. Then Tuesday I woke up and I was still hurting, and some more cold symptoms started. Head ache, fever, cold sweats, achy body... you know all the good stuff. So after a long day of work ((setting up a hanger for a luncheon of 300 people)) I went home felt like crap and just relaxed. Wednesday came along and I was sitter-less so I went into work for about 2 1/2 hours to make sure the luncheon went well and then came home and napped. Thursday went to work and felt awful all day so finally on Friday I decided to suck it up and call the Dr. He felt my swollen glads and poked his tongue depressor on my painfilled tonsils and then we learned I have strep throat. I don't even remember having it as a child, but hopefully the 2 perscriptions will help me out and it won't hurt so much pretty soon!!

11 March 2012

Everyday should be a "holiday baking" day!

Today I decided that we should bake for every holiday like we do for Christmas. Yes, I do realize that this is not realistic mainly for the number of calories I would consume. However, this meant today Aiden, Noah and I made a St Patty's Day cake and chocolate chip cookies!!

10 March 2012

Blog app!!!

I read in a magazine that people that write in a journal or blog tend to focus in the negatives that happen through out their life. Looking back in my journal and blog I tend to fall in this category. I posted a positive #1 and that is where it originated from. I am determined to try to keep up with my blog and to reflect on the positives going on. Most Saturday mornings Aiden and I snuggle up on the couch and watch movies or he plays his WII and I will usually look through the blogs I follow and see what's been going on with everyone. Today I was reading through my oldest and dearest friends blog when I realized her mother is also a blogger. I stumbled upon her blog and spent the morning reading through it and I was reminded a lot of my childhood and it was really an enjoyable read.

Positive #3 happy childhood memories flooding my head today. This is a positive for me because too many times the past is brought up because of sad memories and today was a wonderful change if pace.

19 January 2012

New Year New Attitude

Positive number 1: SOT went very well and we're on the perfect track for success.

Positive number 2: I got to spend some great time with my boys today! Watching movies playing WII and dancing and singing around the house.