I've always been a coupon clipper. In the past few months I've been taking advantage of my resources and stockpiling a few things we use all the time! I know people think it's crazy, but Ive always felt theres no reason to spend more money on something than I need to. So here's what we're looking for today:
Store 1:
Pocket Pack Advil $1.29 (coupon $5 off 3) = 1.29x3=3.87 $5q-3.87=1.13overage times 6 offers=6.78overage
Gillette Proglide Razor $6.49-$4/1q=2.49 times 4 offers= 9.96
Gillette Fusion Shaving Cream 1.99-free when you buy Gillette Razor=free times 4=free
Scotch Magic Tape .78-$1q=.22 overage times 40offers=8.80overage
Total: -6.78+9.96+free-8.80= overage of 5.62
Total Retail: advil: 1.29x18=23.22 razor: 25.96 shaving cream:7.96 tape:31.20= 88.34 X .05 surcharge=$4.41 overage 5.62-4.41surcharge=1.21 overage
We'll see how it goes! They usually don't have everything I plan on so we'll see!
20 August 2011
Todays Coupon Plan
Posted by Cassy at 9:50 AM 0 comments
17 July 2011
Ready to Bake
Prior to finding out that Baby Snizzle is a boy, I read all of the old tales and chinese calendars out there that predicted that baby Shaposka was going to be a girl... One of these extremely reliable ways of knowing the gender is craving sweets or salts. I've always been a huge salt snacker. I'd rather have a bag of chips than a candy bar. Well I've been craving cake, cupcakes, chocolate and oreo's!! This is suppose to mean girl... LOL maybe instead it means that baby Shap is going to be a sweetheart!! Cause the doc is saying all boy!!
Point of the story: Aiden and I are going to make some yummo chocolate chip cookies and attempt some upside down pineappe cupcakes today!!
Posted by Cassy at 10:30 AM 1 comments
25 June 2011
Happy Saturday
Well, we're back from the beach and it was a really great trip! We spent the days on the beach and in the pool and the late afternoons/evenings shopping and eating! We took Aiden to Medieval Times and he absolutely loved the horses, then Grandma and Pap Pap took him on a boat ride and he was thrilled with the "big fish." Some of us call them dolphins, but either way he loved it! I would like to send a shout out to some of the people in Louisiana with zero common sense and zero ability to run a shop :) Because of them we had to come back 3 days early so that David could work yesterday and today even though there were plenty of other people to work and very little to do. Apparently even if someone requests a day off work months in advance if someone that's been there a few months longer wants that same day off the newer person gets bumped and has to work. Even though that person is required to be at work no matter (won't spread all their stuff on here cause that just wouldn't be nice) but I'm just sayin' he was suppose to be at work, not out galavanting around the town!
Posted by Cassy at 9:46 AM 0 comments
26 April 2011
Career Path
I was surfing facebook this morning and a friend of mine posted pictures of Venice Italy. All that know me know that Italy is the number one place on my bucket list, but anyways I just couldn't help but thinking how the Air Force truly can make or break a person. I've always been a believer that we make our own destinies and life for the most part doesn't just "happen" we make it happen. Yet when I look at the past year I'm going to say that the Air Force has made it happen for some and kicked the rest of us to the ground and just keeps on kicking.
A ton of us left for basic training on 23 Feb 2010. We graduated the same day and left for tech school the same day. Then 9 of us started the same tech school on the same day, and 7 of us graduated the same day. From there the Active Duty folks went on leave/to their respective bases. That's when things started to go in different directions. My "brother" and I sit here in Louisiana hating the base more than anything. Mainly because we work with miserable people and are looking for anyway out of here. Yet our fellow classmates and wingmen are stationed in England and TDY'ing to places like Venice... Others are in places like Iraq which seems scary to some, but right now in the current state over there the worst part is the heat.
I'm not complaining about not getting to go overseas I'm just pointing out how similar things start and then how the military forces your decisions for you. So many people would make great military leaders but end up at awful bases, which makes them get out after their first term.
My plan.....graduate from school. 3x's then use those skills to the best of my ability where it'll pay me the most!
Posted by Cassy at 9:44 AM 0 comments
17 April 2011
Bargain Shopping
People are finally realizing there are many many ways out there to save money and not have to pay full price for things. Now I'm not an extreme couponer like some of these people, however if I went and bought ink for my printer well then I could probably save a ton of money. I like bargains, and I love not paying full price for things!! I don't see the point. Now to find a coupon to not pay full price for an ink cartridge and go buy a news paper... Those are the goals for today!
Posted by Cassy at 9:14 AM 0 comments
12 April 2011
Well Sure
For starters. See you all freaked out over nothing. We're still getting paid, the right and on time. Just in 2 increments. Of course I was also annoyed about not getting a full check, but until these things actually happen do what you have to do to cover your butt and wait and see. It'll be okay.
Next. I'm not even sure why I'm so annoyed about this, but here it goes. I made a list and asked someone's opinion and they gave me their opinion but it completely changed everything. I know I don't have to agree to it, but it really bothers me that I said I'm pretty positive about these things --- and a little unsure about these things --- and the feedback comes back with completely different things. I guess it's just at the point where I don't fit in that world and I never have and I'm not sad that I never will. We aren't who we use to be and it's stupid to pretend that we are. We came from the same place but took two totally different paths and now we're on complete oposite ends of the world and I don't see the point in pretending other wise. I think I might just hand over the reigns and back out. I think it will be much easier. I'll go to my cook out with beer in the backyard and you go sip your Martini's in the grand ball room maybe one day our paths will circle back around.
Posted by Cassy at 2:59 PM 0 comments
08 April 2011
Pay Day!
Alright, so blogs are a place for venting right? Well here goes in an effort to not upset anyone I'll vent on here rather than my facebook status like everyone else. Okay so the gov't might shut down tonight at midnight and as a result we the military will only receive half of our pay. Does this suck? Yes of course it does anyone that works and doesn't get paid for it should be pissed off, but pay day hasn't happened yet!!! So the gov't shuts down and a ton of stuff closes (including the comissary, OMG), but does this really effect us until the 15? NO! Yes go look at your LES and it'll say that you're only getting half of your pay check. BUT then realize that it isn't pay day yet and DFAS can access your account anytime any day, and therefor can put in 2 allotments on pay day. Your first weeks pay and your 2nd weeks pay. So shut up! Just shut up!! Nothing has happened yet! Am I pretty freaking unhappy that I might not get paid? YES But is it the end of the freakin world. NO life will go on and we'll all figure out how to make hot dogs and mac'n cheese for the next few weeks!!
Posted by Cassy at 3:22 PM 0 comments
03 April 2011
McDreamy Got Me
Random Fact #1: When I was at Basic Training David started to watch Greys Anatomy. I teased him and called him a bandwagon jumper. When I returned home he was watching it and of course I got sucked in and now I love Greys. I just can't help it! When it's on Aiden will come in the room and ask what we're doing. I usually tell him watching doctors and he says "Aiden watch doctors too." So he'll sit on the couch with me and watch "doctors" with me. Oh, and yes he talks in 3rd person. He's getting better but for now it's just absolutely adorable.
Posted by Cassy at 8:37 AM 0 comments
26 March 2011
Wait For "Happy Birthday"

Posted by Cassy at 11:18 AM 1 comments