08 April 2011

Pay Day!

Alright, so blogs are a place for venting right? Well here goes in an effort to not upset anyone I'll vent on here rather than my facebook status like everyone else. Okay so the gov't might shut down tonight at midnight and as a result we the military will only receive half of our pay. Does this suck? Yes of course it does anyone that works and doesn't get paid for it should be pissed off, but pay day hasn't happened yet!!! So the gov't shuts down and a ton of stuff closes (including the comissary, OMG), but does this really effect us until the 15? NO! Yes go look at your LES and it'll say that you're only getting half of your pay check. BUT then realize that it isn't pay day yet and DFAS can access your account anytime any day, and therefor can put in 2 allotments on pay day. Your first weeks pay and your 2nd weeks pay. So shut up! Just shut up!! Nothing has happened yet! Am I pretty freaking unhappy that I might not get paid? YES But is it the end of the freakin world. NO life will go on and we'll all figure out how to make hot dogs and mac'n cheese for the next few weeks!!