26 April 2011

Career Path

I was surfing facebook this morning and a friend of mine posted pictures of Venice Italy. All that know me know that Italy is the number one place on my bucket list, but anyways I just couldn't help but thinking how the Air Force truly can make or break a person. I've always been a believer that we make our own destinies and life for the most part doesn't just "happen" we make it happen. Yet when I look at the past year I'm going to say that the Air Force has made it happen for some and kicked the rest of us to the ground and just keeps on kicking.
A ton of us left for basic training on 23 Feb 2010. We graduated the same day and left for tech school the same day. Then 9 of us started the same tech school on the same day, and 7 of us graduated the same day. From there the Active Duty folks went on leave/to their respective bases. That's when things started to go in different directions. My "brother" and I sit here in Louisiana hating the base more than anything. Mainly because we work with miserable people and are looking for anyway out of here. Yet our fellow classmates and wingmen are stationed in England and TDY'ing to places like Venice... Others are in places like Iraq which seems scary to some, but right now in the current state over there the worst part is the heat.
I'm not complaining about not getting to go overseas I'm just pointing out how similar things start and then how the military forces your decisions for you. So many people would make great military leaders but end up at awful bases, which makes them get out after their first term.
My plan.....graduate from school. 3x's then use those skills to the best of my ability where it'll pay me the most!